It is hard to remember when exactly it all began. I bought my first drum kit at the very beginning of the 1990’s. After a year or so of solo rehearsing I hit the first band. It was kinda punk music without plans better than getting pissed before and after concerts. The good thing about that period was meeting Robert. He joined the band and soon after we came up with an idea of stetting up our own band. We were much more into thrash metal than punk so there we went. We moved to my uncle’s basement where I had been playing the drums and we started making some covers, mostly Metallica’s. We listened a lot of Death Angel and Voivod’s stuff and we wanted to do a mixture of that. One day we came across a nice self-made piece of music that later became “Abstract Imprisonment” – our first song. At that point everything really started. I knew another guy who lived nearby and asked him to join us. Kazek came to our rehearsal and started playing with the band. No matter how hard we tried we could not find a permanent bassist. People came and went and it was just a waste of time. All in all we decided to give a few concerts in our hometown playing as trio.
That meant two guitars and no bass. Although it was pretty original it was not practical at all and Robert had to learn the bass section before we hit a studio. During Easter in 1995 MYOPIA spent three days in Czech Cieszyn recording a demo – “The Ultra Controls”. Those days, fully enthusiastic, we did not expect it was going to be our only recording for many years. After we left the studio it was difficult to release recorded material as MYOPIA was a band of zero budget, so altogether it took months to go as cheap as possible. The actual promotion, if I may say so, started several months later, in September, and all we did were two or three concerts. The thing was that me and Robert had planned something else. We had arranged to go to London for a while and then somewhere else, preferably over the ocean. Because the trip had been planned and dates had been fixed the whole promotion of our only demo was reduced to minimum. Kazek stayed in Poland and the two of us settled in London for over two years. Instead of playing we got involved into school and work and had no time to do anything else.
Towards the end of out stay we had a few rehearsals. MYOPIA was still alive and it became my dream to put the band together again. We landed back in Poland by the end of 1997, unfortunately in different places. Robert went to live in Warsaw, I settled down in Wroclaw and Kazek was still in Bielsko. I bought a new drum kit and sporadically played with Robert. At the same time I was practicing like mad and looking for some new people in Wroclaw to join the project. Nobody appeared as the most people were only into black metal stuff, but MYOPIA was alive in my head and I was more eager to restart the band than ever before.
Wroclaw’s chapter was finished after one and a half years when I moved back to Bielsko. Kazek refused to play with the group so I found another guy who left suddenly after three or four months. Meanwhile I played with Robert, from time to time. The year 2000 seemed to be a turning point. I found Darek’s advert in a music shop and called him. He matched MYOPIA perfectly and things in the band were going well. Still we could not find a permanent bassist and Robert agreed to play the bass and sing in our second project “Subconsciously Unconscious” that was recorded in Selani Studio in Olsztyn at the beginning of February, 2002.
The latest news is that after over one and a half years Darek disappeared without any reasonable cause.
Therefore MYOPIA is looking for a guitarist again…
In June 2002 Kamil Smala joined the group. He was looking for a band and I came across his advert. Later we met, he liked our music and we started rehearsing. Kamil learnt to play MYOPIA’s songs very fast and that helped us to show up on the stage again. The band gained, so much needed, stability.
In May 2005 we went to Studio X in Olsztyn where we recorded eight songs which appeared on our concept album called „Enter Insectmasterplan”. The record came out at the beginning of 2006. In January 2007 the album was re-released by Selfmadegod Records and at the same time there was another change in our line-up. Kamil Smala lost his interest in playing music and officially stopped being a member of the band. Robert Słonka took his place. I accidentally met him when he got interested in our music after he found us on the Net and wanted to get our records. It appeared that he had played the guitar for a long time and his music interests were very similar to ours. As a result we just started rehearsing, which looks good, and we make plans for the future.
We really got on good with Robert Słonka. We rehearsed a lot like mad, created new stuff and decided to hit the studio again. In June 2008, in Studio X in Olsztyn, we recorded our third concept album “Biomechatronic Intervention”. Again we didn’t manage to sign any deal and eventually self-released it in January 2009. It’s out now and we’re working on new songs.
Eight new songs, to be exact, which appeared on another concept album „Simultaneous Simulations” which came out in 2012. Now it’s 2017 and we’re waiting for our fifth concept album to see the daylight. It was recorded in 2016 and it’s called “Transmyopic Interconnetion”.